Industry Session (Chairs: Marco Lucamarini)

Wed, 31 Aug , 15:00 - 16:30

    M. Peev has studied Mathematics and Physics at the University of Sofia, Bulgaria. There he received his PhD in theoretical SolidState Physics. He has conducted research in the theory and application of symmetry methods and, specifically, group theory to solid state systems. Later he focused on research in the field of mathematical methods, related to the foundations of Quantum Mechanics, more specifically phase-space representations of low dimensional quantum systems. Since 2001 he had been responsible for Quantum Information Theory support for practical QKD, development of QKD protocols, design and development of QKD networks at AIT –Austrian Institute of Technology. He participated actively in the management team of the FP6-IP SECOQC, and led the network implementation sub-project. Subsequently he led the AIT contribution to the Tokyo Network (2010, Japan Tokyo). He coauthors more than 80 publications, many on QKD Networks and security of QKD.Since September 2015, he is an Expert in Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH and heads the Quantum Communication Network project there. Together with his team he participated in the Telefonica-UPM-Huawei field demonstration, featuring seamless interoperation of CV QKD distribution and network management in the SDN (Software Defined Networks) paradigm. M.Peev participated also in Steering Committee of the present EU Quantum Flagship Project (CiViQ) and les the Work Package “Specification of Networks and Systems” working in close collaboration with major European Telecommunication Operators. M.Peev is a founding member of ETSI, ISG QKD that has been initiated in October 2008. Since December 2012 he is a vice chairman of this group (together with N. Lutkenhaus–vice-chairman, A. Hasekioglu–vice chairman and A. Shields –chairman) putting strong emphasis on the analysis and potential standardization of QKD Networks. M.Peev participates in the Focus Group on Quantum Technologies of CEN-CENELEC and in Quantum Networks related questions of SG 13 and SG 17 of ITU-T and was a vice-chairman of the Focus Group on Quantum Information Technologies for Networks (2019-2021) of TSAG ITU-T.

    Momtchil Peev works as group leader of the Quantum Technologies group in the Optical and Quantum Technologies Lab of the Munich Research Center, Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH. The group developed advanced and highly flexible and stable CV-QKD prototypes that are presently successfully tested in the Madrid test bed in the framework of the EU Project OpenQKD.