Contributed Talks 2a: Experimental talks (Chair: Wang Chao)

Tue, 30 Aug , 09:00 - 09:30
    • Time-bin quantum key distribution exploiting the conversion from and to polarization states, with qubits based temporal syncronization
      Davide Scalcon ; Costantino Agnesi ; Marco Avesani ; Luca Calderaro ; Giulio Foletto ; Andrea Stanco ; Giuseppe Vallone ; Paolo Villoresi
    • High-efficiency and fast photon-number-resolving SNSPD
      Lorenzo Stasi ; Gaetan Gras ; Matthieu Perrenoud ; Riad Berrazouane ; Hugo Zbinden ; Felix Bussieres
    • Atomically-thin Single-photon Sources for Quantum Communication
      Timm Gao ; Martin von Helversen ; Carlos Anton-Solanas ; Christian Schneider ; Tobias Heindel