29th August to 2nd September 2022
What is QCrypt 2022?
QCrypt 2022 is the 12th edition of the yearly international scientific conference presenting last year’s top results in quantum cryptography. See the list of previous conferences here.
February 1st. 2023 | QCrypt 2023
Looking forward to seeing you this year! You could find QCrypt 2023 website here .
August 28th. 2022 | About conference record
Due to time zone, We know that it is difficult for you to participate in the meeting all the time. All the talks will be recorded and made available on the online platform (EventX) a few hours later for our participants.
August 27th. 2022 | Prerecorded contributed talks videos now available
Please click our Youtube channel here.
August 27th. 2022 | Conference link sent out
We have sent the conference link for registered participants. Please click the manual for the instructions. We also send the instructions for Zoom webinar speakers (tutorial, invited, contributed) and session chairs. You can also find the information on the website. If you need any help, you can find us at the helpdesk. We are looking forward to your participation.
August 19th. 2022 | Preliminary program now available
Please click here.
July 11th. 2022 | QCrypt 2022 Participation Survey
If you may consider attending QCrypt 2022 in person (e.g., assuming the quarantine rule is removed), please fill in a short participation survey here. It will help us greatly for the conference planning.
July 11th. 2022 | Hybrid Conference
QCrypt 2022 will be a hybrid conference to ensure participation is possible for everyone. To cater to the potential quarantine rule, the first half of QCrypt will be an online format, while the second half will be more (mostly) physical, with most events allowing for online participation (exceptions include an on-site poster session and an excursion, which will be organized if enough people can attend in-person). The registration site will be opened soon.
July 11th. 2022 | COVID, Quarantine, and VISA Information
Taiwan is on the way to opening its border but certain quarantine rules remain. At the moment, a “3+4 days” quarantine rule applies to everyone entering Taiwan: 3 days of quarantine, plus 4 days of “self-health-monitoring” period (in which one is allowed to attend conferences, conditioned on obtaining negative rapid-test results). The quarantine rule is expected to be further relaxed. The up-to-date information about the quarantine rule and VISA information can be found here. If you have any questions regarding the quarantine rule and VISA application, please feel free to contact us at 2022@QCRYPT.NET.
July 5th. 2022 | List of accepted papers now available
Please click here.